Our Commitment

We insist on producing the most competitively priced top-grade materials through absolutely safe and sustainable processes.

*Stakeholder Identification

Based on the concept of sustainable corporate management, we value stakeholders' opinions and feedback. The management teams and CSR committee will determine Hodaka's primary stakeholders, including staff, suppliers, and customers (as shown in the attached figure), according to our long-term interactions with stakeholders. These stakeholders include suppliers, including primary and third party suppliers; employees, including incumbent and retired employees; and clients, including existing and potential clients. In the future, we will develop appropriate channels to determine stakeholders' demands and expectations, and will respond to their issues of concern in a timely manner.

*Stakeholder Questionnaire

To maintain and improve product quality, sustainable management, peaceful workplace, and environmental protection measures, Taiwan Hodaka would like you to share any recommendations and comments for our CSR measures, thereby helping us improve and demonstrate our effort in these areas. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

>>Go to the questionnaire


1.Complaint Hotline
We strictly prohibit any form of harassment, abuse, and discrimination. Any relevant violations can be reported anonymously; your information will be kept confidential to protect you from retaliation. Complaint channels:
Complaint Hotline 1: 0965-160-633(for domestic employees)
Complaint Hotline 2: 0965-659-095(for Vietnamese employees)
Complaint fax: 06-5050619
Complaint mailbox: hr02@hodakatec.com
Complaint mailbox2: hr03@hodakatec.com
Ministry of Labor Complaint Hotline: 1955
Employee suggestion boxes are installed in each plant area and foreign staff quarters

2.CSR hotline
If you have any concerns, suggestions, or questions regarding our occupational safety and health, environmental protection, CSR, or business ethics measures, you may respond through the mailbox. Complainants will be kept confidential and protected against retaliation. Complaint mailbox: Csr_team@hodakatec.com